Fundação Taco & Guacamole de Desenvolvimento... Rua da República, 801. 2º Piso 90050-321 Porto Alegre - RS

segunda-feira, outubro 16, 2006

Fuck Me 'Til I Puke

A tempos não sentia tão punk, só me falta um moicano e umas roupas rasgadas...
tudo q toca por aqui passa pelos 3 acordes, por um baixo nervoso e vozes esganiçadas e ruidosas...
Redescobri Rancid nos meus mp3 velhos que a tempos não ouvia, comecei a ouvir prestando atenção na letra, to até corrigindo umas letras no terra e no lyrics on demand...

Show do Beastie Boys e eu aqui escrevendo pra lembrar disso, já que ninguém lê esse troço mesmo

David Courtney


Well all you motherfuckers, criminals will be suckers
If you don't step aside for David Courtney

WEll if you're being bold and you must be told
You'll feel a whack upon your back
From a knuckle duster made of gold
If you do the job, loyal to the mob,
You'll be sorted and rewarded,
South of France in the sun
Well if you pay your debt you won't regret
Please take me up on my advice
Because vengeance will be delivered door-to-door
And right on time

Well all you motherfuckers, criminals will be suckers
If you don't step aside for David Courtney

Cuban cigars, silver Jaguars
Brand new suits are filled with loot,
He's lookin wicked and astuate
Make no bones he says
Villains lend their ears
He's a legend in the underworld,
Robin Hood to the poor
Well if you pay your debt you won't regret
Please take me up on my advice
Because vengeance will be delivered door-to-door
And right on time

Listen up all you skagheads, sewer rats, gangsters
Villains and whores, the dark figures from the shadows
Crept up from behind where they brandished a gun
Pointed it directly at his face
And they shuttered at the sight when the words were spoken
"Go ahead son but you're making a big mistake"
As the coolness of the night reflected off the cobblestone roads
And silence took over, he said...

*simplesmente fodassa*


punkzinho básico... WIZO - aNaRKY

quinta-feira, outubro 12, 2006

um punkrockzinho de primeira...
The Distillers - The Young Crazed Peeling

Once Again...

Mais uma tentativa, se nao der certo daqui a 2 anos tento denovo...
2006 quase terminando eu amarrado, ainda, a faculdade...
me casei...
desisti dos contos eróticos...
me mudei...
e planejo comprar um carro.
vou tentar escrever coisas legais aqui, daqui por diante...
that's it...
a brand new beginin'